Get all the latest updates from the Kappa Hexaton Undergraduates in this edition of the October Alumni Newsletter.
Homecoming Weekend 2015 Schedule
We look forward to seeing those Brothers that are able to attend the Homecoming Events this year. Below is the schedule of events:
Friday November 13th
5:00-7:00 PM
Check-In At The Chapter House
9:00 PM-Midnight
Phi Sig Social
Cafe DaVinci
112 West Georgia Avenue
Live Music/No Cover
Mention Phi Sigma Kappa at the door
Saturday November 14th
10:45-11:45 AM
Alumni Meeting – Chapter House
Noon-3:00 PM
Phi Sig Tailgate
Spec Martin Stadium
3:00-5:00 PM
Stetson Football Game vs Ave Maria
6:00-8:00 PM
Dinner Under The Stars
At the Phi Sig House
Catered by Bellini’s
8:30 PM-1:00 AM
PSK Karaoke
The Blind Pig Tavern
148 W New York Avenue
Fundraising Update
We are already 1/3 of the way towards our goal of raising $15,000. If you’d like to donate you can online through this link here. Every dollar is much appreciated as we get closer to hitting the goal.
National PSK Directory Update
A significant amount of brothers have out-dated contact information on file with International Headquarters. If you wish, please go update your own information online. It’s important not only so you receive your hard copy of the signet, but so IHQ can keep in contact with you over the years.
Fall 15 Recruitment Success
The undergraduate chapter just wrapped up the Fall Formal Recruitment and awarded bids out to perspective members. Currently 27 new associates have accepted and they expect that number to grow over the coming weeks. Damn Proud!
Birth Announcement
We’d like to send congratulations to Brother Du Bosq and his family on the arrival of their new son, Adrian William Du Bosq! Marianna gave birth to Adrian just after 7 pm on September 16th. Adrian is 8lbs 6oz and 21″ and both he and Marianna are healthy.
Wedding & Birth Announcements Coming
Much like what the SU Magazine publishes or the Signet, we’d like to start including special announcements for our alumni brothers who have recently had children or married.
If you’d like your announcement to be posted, please contact Michael Gonzalez.
September ’15 Newsletter
Get all the latest updates from the Kappa Hexaton Undergraduates in this edition of the September Alumni Newsletter.
Undergraduate Michael Peter’s General Convention Experience
This summer I attended a Phi Sigma Kappa General Convention for the first time. It was especially unique for me to register and go because the convention was held in Minneapolis, Minnesota, just a short drive away from my hometown in Iowa. But what made me cherish the week far greater than the Midwestern location was the chapter I stood to represent: Kappa Hexaton. The climax was the closing banquet, during which Kappa Hexaton brought home a coveted Herbert Brown Outstanding Chapter Award (another one to add to the trophy case, I might add).
Throughout the four days of nationals, I met dozens of brothers from other chapters, many hailing from the Southeast region like me. All the Phi Sig brethren were quality men of respect, shared ideals, and a willingness to be significant. And I would be remiss if I did not mention the night-time socializing that strengthened our brotherhood. When I introduced myself as a Kappa Hexaton Phi Sig, heads perked up. That humbled me, showing that top-notch individuals must have come before me to build that Kappa Hexaton charisma. I hope to build that KH mystique for the last two years of my college career. Damn Proud!
Spring Signet Posted
The Spring 2015 Signet has been posted online. A link to an online copy is here or you can click here to download the PDF version.